
Posts Tagged ‘Digital Practice’

iPhone users: more iPad, less desktop in 2012

September 15th, 2011 1 comment

A recent SurveyApp survey we conducted among our mobile consumer panel, revealed that nearly a third of all iPhone users plan on beginning to use an iPad in 2012.

Those same respondents believe that 2012 will also signal a marked decrease in their use of a desktop computer.

Interestingly enough, it appears that the iPhone, aside from displacing more ‘traditional’ digital device usage, is also displacing other Apple devices, such as the iTouch, which perhaps becomes a bit redundant after the purchase of either the iPhone or the iPad.

As we approach the holiday season, it will be interesting to watch how the release of iPhone 5 and overall evolution in the smartphone marketplace continue to erode at traditional computer usage.

Here’s a visual look at the data.

Of similar interest is the high percentage of those surveyed, over 30% who intend to begin using an iPad, and over 10% who intend on using some form of tablet. While this doesn’t speak directly to purchase intent, it seems logical that by means of purchase, gifts, or other means, these devices will fall into the hands of a lot of people. Conversely, laptops, desktops and netbooks ranked low on the lists for the upcoming year, and I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t also the harbinger of lower sales for this class of computing device.

With the holiday season right around the corner,  will 2012 be the year of the tablet?  The death of the desktop? Stay tuned for more on this story over the next few months!