
Archive for the ‘BrandEdge’ Category

| Video Blog | Connecting Brand Strategy from Top Down to Bottom Up

November 4th, 2024 Comments off

For years, marketing insights were limited to large brands.
BrandEdge now detects consumer behavior shifts across all market sizes.

Nearly all marketing was driven from the top and executed at the bottom, with cost and time restricting consumer insights investments to mostly the corporate level.

➤ The belief that markets did not change quickly enough to justify investment led to a disconnect between strategy development and execution.

➤ However, with today’s faster-moving markets, brands require more sensitive metrics to capture shifts in consumer behavior.

➤ Metrics in MSW Research’s BrandEdge allow brands to detect shifts in consumer behavior across all market sizes. This creates a seamless connection between top-level strategy and on-the-ground execution.

➟ Follow or connect for more from our three-part series on Brand Strategy to Execution featuring Vice President Don Jones.

Categories: BrandEdge, Video Blog Tags:

| Video Blog | Focused Brand Strategy: A Case Study

June 21st, 2024 Comments off

Ever wonder why consumers choose one brand over another?

In 2023, MSW Research used our BrandEdge solution to look at consumer behavior for 4 popular fast-food chains.

Our findings revealed that the leading reason for cross-brand usage for fast-food isn’t variety or price but something else entirely:

Convenience and availability

For example, among the 72% of McDonald’s patrons, a staggering 47% also frequent Sonic. 🥤

And despite McDonald’s being on every street, it actually has the lowest degree of cross-brand usage among its patrons.

Simply because McDonald’s is more readily available than others. 🍟

Categories: BrandEdge, Video Blog Tags:

| Video Blog | Decoding Brand Relationships with MSW BrandEdge℠

March 14th, 2024 Comments off

Strong brands hinge on strong relationships.

However, much of the data available to brands regarding these relationships tends to be transactional, lacking the depth needed to truly understand them.

Transactional data often skews perspectives towards short-term effects, overlooking the deeper nuances of consumer behavior and preferences. To truly cultivate Brand Preference, brands must delve into the psyche of consumers and comprehend the factors driving their choices over time.

That’s why we created MSW Research’s BrandEdge—a solution crafted to decode market dynamics and unearth the intricacies behind consumer relationships.

By offering insights at a granular level, BrandEdge empowers brands to navigate smaller markets and smaller brands, paving the way for the development of stronger, more enduring brand relationships.

For brands keen on realizing their full potential, understanding Brand Preference is paramount.

With BrandEdge, not only can brands uncover their true potential, but they can also pinpoint the precise actions needed to reach it.

In the competitive landscape of today, MSW BrandEdge is your strategic advantage.

Categories: BrandEdge, Video Blog Tags: