
Archive for the ‘Ad Wearout’ Category

| Video Blog | Advertising Wear In and Wear Out is Real and it’s Predicable!

August 26th, 2024 Comments off

One of the most persistent requests we get from clients concerns our point of view on whether advertising wears out. The short answer is yes.

∙ Our comprehensive research over many years confirms that ads, regardless of the media, lose their selling power predictably over time.

∙ Advertisers might wish their ads could run indefinitely with the same effectiveness, but this is not the case.

∙ As more money is spent behind an ad, its selling power decreases even if it remains enjoyable for viewers.

✔ The good news is that wear-out is predictable and manageable with the right strategies. There are ways to manage this effect and maintain advertising returns.

Join us at MSW Research for the first video in our three-part series on advertising wear-out, and contact us for insights on optimizing your ad strategies.

Categories: Ad Wearout, Video Blog Tags:

| Video Blog | Ad Wearout is Real

May 21st, 2024 Comments off

In advertising, understanding the dynamics of wear in and wear out is crucial.

As media investment behind a brand asset increases, so does recognition and brand association.

However, over time, preferences may decline—a phenomenon known as wear out.

In a recent case study, we observed a doubling in brand recognition from initial exposure to 24%.

But preference, measured as the difference between those who saw the ad and those who didn’t, showed a decline over time.

To effectively gauge advertising performance, we employ time series analysis. This method combines media investment, impressions, and preference changes to calculate a relative preference impression score.

Interestingly, ad likability tends to increase with familiarity, while buzz generated by new ads diminishes over time.

Understanding these dynamics is key to optimizing advertising strategies and maximizing long-term impact.

Ready to drive sales? Let’s talk.

Categories: Ad Wearout, Video Blog Tags: