
Archive for the ‘Advertising Tracking’ Category

Evidence-Based, Customer Journey Management to Build Brands

January 23rd, 2018 Comments off

Evidence-Based, Customer Journey Management to Build Brands

The Opportunity for Marketers

As customers become exposed to a cascading list of product choices, store choices, and information sources, the opportunity exists to connect all the communications about any specific brand and product into a single consistent, coherent message relevant to the individual customer’s needs.  The customer journey has emerged as the concept that provides the opportunity to best deliver an integrated marketing communications approach at an enterprise level.

The various customer-facing functions in organizations now have the opportunity to integrate their individual, principal goals to deliver a single voice for building brands:

  • Customer Experience — Every daily contact point a moment-of-truth to opportunity to exceed expectations
  • Digital Communications — Automated intelligence and delivery to enhance daily relationships
  • Traditional Communications — Process creation and delivery fully integrated with digital in driving marketing ROI
  • Experiential — Events and sponsorships to cut-through clutter and energize the brand
  • Corporate Communications — One unfavorable rating or post can undo the entire marketing plan; authentic information content drives brand growth
  • Purchase site — Online and offline, 24/7 access and critical convergence of messaging

Common Ground toward Effective Brand-Building

All these functions have been departing from their parallel paths and converging based around the following premises:

  • All brands are vulnerable to losing customers through a single bad experience.
  • Brand strength is created through a history of positive experiences.
  • Every characteristic of the brand involves communications and relies upon communications for success.
  • The customer journey concept is an extension of past models for consumer decision-making.
  • Traditional and digital communications must be integrated which requires their development processes to become integrated.
  • All the functions involved still rely upon key, evidence-based, branding concepts – The MSW-ARS RDE model for brand-building links closely to the customer journey map for any defined product segment.

The opportunity exists to apply common metrics that measure short-term and long-term communications success across functions, within functions, and within elements of each function, across a customer journey.

Evidence-Based Metrics; the Common Language for Integration

Metrics that truly capture the reality of the interactive contact at each touch point along the customer journey must be evidence-based to ensure unified direction and consistent execution across organization functions for delivering an integrated communications approach.

MSW-ARS solutions for each step of the journey contain the Customer Commitment Preference metric that is more sensitive to immediate unit share and brand franchise shifts than any other metric in the market.

Source:  MASB

The validated connection between Customer Commitment Preference and customer lifetime value enables the team to know precise return-on-investment for each individual element and the collective program across functions.

To develop insights to addressing continuous improvement within each touch point, any customer journey analysis must address three basic questions:

To capture thinking (cognitive) and feeling (emotive) measurement requires empirically proven metrics that can uncover both the stated and derived importance of each touch point and communications for assessment of both expectations and delivery to expectations.

Convergence around Customer Journey as the Key to Brand Building

MSW-ARS has developed empirical evidence of how communications work that can accurately connect short-term sales and long-term brand development to the performance of the individual and collective touch points in the journey.

Taking Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning to another Level

Previous brand experience is a principal characteristic for segmentation and target opportunity determination at the need generation stage of the customer journey:

  • Neuroscience-based, unconscious measurement of derived importance uncovers un-voiced concerns before they become lapsed or lost customers.
  • Category measurement of attitudes and usage across all measurements and media formats to identify opportunities to get things right at the beginning and deliver a consistent, coherent message.

Linking the Big Idea and Content Development

Research on how communications works has been conducted across the MSW-ARS, fifty-year, database.  The evidence clearly indicates that the key message of any product is built into the product design.  This was reported most recently by the MASB, the Marketing Accountability Standards Board at the 2017 Annual Conference for the Advertising Research Foundation.

Therefore, the opportunity for integration of the various communications programs must start at the beginning.

The MSW-ARS Sifter product has been designed specifically to measure the strength of the Value Proposition.  Additionally, the approach provides an assessment of effectiveness in delivering this value proposition that can be attributed to various communications elements and that can be applied in long-form and short-form content for scaling across every customer touch point.

Sifter is not intended to replace AI in the CRM/Marketing Automation system.  Sifter complements AI by:

  • Ensuring that the communications program has an effective launch.
  • Supports first mover growth opportunities for the brand.
  • Provides the foundation for insights at the need generation stage and future learning from AI contacts.
  • Can be integrated into decision-support, desktop applications to help serve as a cross-functional theme for coordinated, daily message responses.
  • Ensures delivery of the fundamental, brand value proposition across all touch points.

Touch Point Effectiveness

The MSW-ARS TouchPoint product is also founded on more than fifty years of empirical evidence for how communications work.  The successful application of this solution and the certainty of its ability to predict results and lower business risk have been proven in a study by the MASB involving multiple communications research firms across twelve categories.   The MASB study results have been presented to the ARF and the AMA, written about in The Economist, The International Finance Review, The Journal of Brand Management and CFO Magazine, and has been discussed with the IASB (The International Accounting Standards Board).  Customer Commitment Preference is linked to Market Share & Cash Flow and hence to the NPV of the brand.

The Touch Point solution is flexible to allow brand teams to intervene and test any point along the journey at any time to develop empirical knowledge for continuous improvement.

Success at the Moments of Truth

Effective communications during the consideration, engagement and evaluation stages lead to inclusion in the consideration set at the first moment of truth when the purchase is made.  Communications then strengthen the purchase and remove dissonance at the second moment of truth when the customer receives service for the product.

Application of the MSW-ARS ACCU*TRAK solution allows company and brand teams to invest resources at a precise point in the journey that will most effectively improve both the contribution of that single touch point, but, more importantly, the overall unit share results sought by each of the various marketing functions.


Organizational changes indicate that brands fully understand the need to integrate the various functions, but, don’t yet fully understand how to link them in an effective manner.  MSW-ARS has an answer to this need that will allow brands to move ahead of their competitors in making this critical adjustment to finding common ground… cross-functional, evidence-based metrics that will enable marketing organizations to successfully implement integrated marketing plans across each customer journey.

Surpassing the Norm – Better Approaches to Providing Meaningful Context – Part I

August 13th, 2015 Comments off

Context is important.  Consider the story of little Johnny, just returned from school with a test paper for his father to sign.

“Hi Dad, could you please sign this for me,” Johnny said uncertainly, handing the paper to his father.

“Mm, a 75 huh,” Dad said thoughtfully pursing his lips, “what was the class average?”

“75,” said Johnny slowly.

“Oh, not bad then,” Dad smiled.

Suddenly feeling the need for full disclosure, Johnny continued, “We took the test on the day of the class trip to the aviary that I didn’t go on due to my irrational fear of being carried away by a giant eagle.  Only three of us didn’t go – the teacher left a test for us to do so we wouldn’t be bored.”

Dad raised an eyebrow. “I see,” he said, “how did the other two do?”

“Well, there was a new kid who didn’t go because he didn’t have a signed consent form.  He got a 50, but then he’d never studied fractions before…”

“Oh,” said Dad, quickly computing in his head, “so the other must’ve gotten a 100?”

“Yeah,” said Johnny, “but that was Joey DaBrain – he always gets a 100!”

“Hmm,” said Dad as he handed back the signed paper and slowly walked away, puzzling over whether Johnny really had performed acceptably on this test or whether it really even mattered.

While this scenario may seem slightly bizarre, it highlights the importance of context in evaluating performance, and reflects on some troubling issues plaguing the communications research industry in the provision of benchmarks to put research results in proper context for making crucial decisions for a brand’s communication strategy.

We may be comforted to know that our new advertisement is performing “at norm” when tested, but how can we be confident that a benchmark provided by our research supplier is truly relevant for our brand?  Unfortunately it may not be, since traditional norms – typically category or industry averages – are affected by a variety of issues which may render them inappropriate or even misleading.

Representation:  A benchmark can only be as strong as its representation.  The average of the three students who took the math test is not likely to be representative of the average ability of all 25 students in the class.  A norm computed for a particular category is likely to be composed of whatever the research supplier has at hand, rather than a representation of the category as a whole.  And composition can clearly make a difference in practice.

Take for example average MSW●ARS CCPersuasion scores for four major brands in the same household products category, as shown in the following chart.  The average scores between the brands vary considerably.  The average across all four brands is 7.7.  However as the graphic illustrates, excluding either the strongest scoring or weakest scoring brand can dramatically affect the overall average.  The answer to ‘how are we doing’ for Brand A would be considerably different based on the presence or absence of brands B or D in the normative computations.

norm-fig-01Brand Development: We likely wouldn’t hold Johnny to the same standard as Joey DaBrain when it comes to results on a math test.  Children have unique strengths and should be treated accordingly.  The same is true for brands.  Even if a benchmark were to account for all brands in a given category, it is not a given that this benchmark would then be appropriate for application to research results for all brands in the category.

This is because brands have unique situations that should be accounted for in assessing effectiveness of commercial communications.  A brand team with a new entry to the category shouldn’t necessarily be held to the same standard as the category leader.  As an example, the variation in purchase intent levels for seven different brands in a personal care category shows how a one-size-fits-all approach to normative data will give a misleading result for many brands.

norm-fig-02Consistency: We may attempt to expand the context for understanding Johnny’s test result by considering the class next door, which recently had a test on fractions.  However the results for the other class are obviously affected by the teacher’s choice of questions and typical difficultly level of his or her tests.  When it comes to normative data, similar considerations are also in play.  If we are considering a verbal metric, results could potentially be affected by such factors as question wording, type of scale used, placement within the questionnaire and sample group considered.

Even for a behavioral metric with a consistent and rigorously monitored methodology such as CCPersuasion, there can be differences in how brands in the same category define their competitive brand set, particularly in categories that are somewhat ambiguous or can be defined more broadly or narrowly.  Such differences may again make comparisons to category averages less meaningful than first presumed.

Availability:  In some cases, particularly in new or emerging categories, it may be difficult or impossible to formulate normative data for a specific category or even broader industry segment.  Or for smaller categories, it may be necessary to reach far back in time to assemble sufficient cases, leaving the resulting norms susceptible to changes in market conditions, consumer sentiment or research methods.

Scope: A category norm requires historical test results for the metric of interest across a reasonably robust number of brands and overall cases.  So by definition, such a metric will need to be general enough to be in broad use in the research industry.  This will include common metrics such as liking, purchase intent, awareness and so forth.  While benchmarks may be readily available for these metrics, this likely will not be the case for many of the brand-specific metrics that the brand team is particularly interested in, which leads to the last and perhaps most important issue with normative data – meaningfulness.

Meaningfulness:   Beyond the appropriateness of the “class average” of 75 as a benchmark for Johnny’s performance on the math test, perhaps the larger issue was whether the test result was at all meaningful in predicting Johnny’s success in the course, given that it was likely a make-work exercise for the students not participating in the class trip.  Similarly, while much effort may go into providing normative benchmarks for a battery of standard metrics, are the resulting comparisons useful to the brand?

Generally, a given metric may be considered useful in the assessment of commercial communication if it is either predictive enough of in-market effectiveness (typically sales-response) to be useful as an overall success criterion, or is specifically related to the brand or category in such a way as to guide revisions or future developmental work.  Unfortunately, the metrics for which normative data is typically available, such as liking and recall/awareness, are too general to provide specific guidance to the brand, and they have been shown not to have a strong enough relationship to in-market effectiveness to be appropriate as a success criterion, as for example in matched-market advertising weight and copy tests:


Despite these issues, research managers desire context for their research results – and rightly so, as context is imperative.  Part II of this series will highlight approaches pioneered by MSW●ARS that provide appropriate context for research results while avoiding the pitfalls which beset standard normative data.

Please contact your MSW●ARS representative to learn more.

MASB’s Game Changing Brand Investment and Valuation Project – Part II

August 4th, 2015 Comments off

In Part I of this blog series we discussed ten technical characteristics of brand preference which made it suitable for adoption into market research tools.  But just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be done.  In fact, one of the issues identified early on by Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) was that the sheer number of metrics in use could lead to a type of analytical paralysis; that is, an inability of insights groups to efficiently advise other functions of the organization.  This has been euphemistically referred to within the group as “swimming in data”.


Given MASB’s focus this primarily revolved around the plethora of metrics being applied to quantify the overall financial success of marketing activities.  But from our experience addressing this “swimming in data” issue is even more urgent for tactical research applications, especially brand tracking.  It is not uncommon to see between fifty and one hundred different category and brand attributes being monitored.  Each of these attributes captures a dimension of “equity” deemed important for brand success.  But how does an analyst combine these metrics to quantify the total health of the brand?

One popular approach is to apply structural modeling of the attributes versus sales data.  The resulting model provides a means of “rolling up” attributes into one number.  However, there are several challenges with this approach.  One is that such a model often becomes viewed as ‘black box’ by other functional areas.  This lack of transparency and simplicity fuels distrust and slows down adoption of insights.  But even worse is that such a model is only applicable to the environment in which it is derived.  Technological, financial, and even style trends can dramatically change the relative importance of attributes within a category thus uncoupling the model’s link to sales.  For example, being viewed as ‘having fuel efficient models’ is much more important for an auto brand when gas prices are high than when they are low.

Brand preference offers a better approach to the “swimming in data” issue.  As a truly holistic measure it captures the influence of all these attributes.  This was confirmed in the MASB Brand Investment and Valuation project.  Several of the marketers participating in the brand preference tracking trials provided equity data from their internal tracking programs for comparison purposes.  Across the categories investigated there were seven other brand strength ‘concepts’ commonly used.


A correlation analysis was used to contrast their relationship to changes in brand share of market versus that of brand preference.  What was found is that the strength of their relationships to share varied by category and oftentimes fell below the correlation level deemed moderately strong by Cohen’s Convention (Jacob Cohen, Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences; 1988).  Furthermore, all of these other metrics exhibited correlations to market share substantially below that of brand preference.


But brand preference didn’t just demonstrate stronger relationships to market share than these other measures, it also captured their individual predictive power.  This is most readily seen by contrasting each measure’s explanatory power of preference to that of market share.  All seven measures exhibit a stronger relationship to preference than to market share.  Given that the preference was gathered on a completely different sample than the other measures, this strongly suggests that the explanatory power of these other measures is acting through preference in explaining market share.


In addition to these seven common concepts, category specific attributes were also examined.  Of the seventy metrics examined not a single one showed potential to substantially add to the predictive power of preference.

Probably the most extreme example of the advantage of brand preference as a holistic tracking measure comes during a product safety recall.  During these situations it is not unusual to see top-of-mind awareness levels peak near one hundred percent.  At the same time, brand attributes such as safety and trust which typically show milder importance rise to the top.  Under these conditions a structural model’s ability to explain sales may not just drop to zero but actually turn negative.  That is, it will report brand strength rising even as sales precipitously drop!  Since brand preference not only captures the changing level but also the changing importance of these other dimensions, it remains a valuable tool for navigating such times at it will accurately monitor progress in rebuilding the brand in the hearts and minds of consumers.

The Tylenol tampering incident illustrates this.  As the nation watched several people die from the poisoning, brand preference plummeted thirty-two points.  The Tylenol brand could no longer be trusted.  Concurrent with this brand preference drop, Tylenol’s market share fell thirty-three points.  As Johnson & Johnson addressed the situation responsibly, the brand’s previous place in the minds of consumers was slowly rebuilt.  This set the stage for a rebound in brand sales as tamper protected versions of the brand’s products made their way onto store shelves.


Because of its ability to accurately monitor the total health of a brand, the MSW●ARS Brand Preference measure is quickly becoming viewed as the ‘King of Key Performance Indicators’.  But there are other very pragmatic reasons for incorporating it into your tracking and other research.  In future blog posts we will discuss these and how easy it is to do.

Please contact your MSW●ARS representative to learn more about our brand preference approach.

Categories: Advertising Tracking, MASB Tags: